Shoulder pain and dysfunction plague millions of Americans each year. Injuries can range from acute sports related trauma to degenerative changes that occur slowly over time. Shoulder problems are usually obvious with signs and symptoms like shoulder pain, reduced range of motion, radiating pain, and decreased muscle strength. Shoulder problems can severely alter quality of life, disrupt sleep, and lead to medication use and even surgery. Patients that have had a history of shoulder surgery can still find relief with our natural approach to shoulder care. The sooner the problem is addressed the quicker and more effective the treatments will be. But even if the problem is decades old, there is still a great chance that shoulder will be a good candidate for treatment.

  • Most shoulder pain is complicated by underling neck conditions—if the neck is not addressed the shoulder may not fully recover.
  • Capsulitis or frozen shoulder can be solved in as little as two to three visits with advanced functional neurology techniques—the main problem is disrupted communication between the brain and the shoulder muscles.
  • Natural “steroid free” injections can be used before the manual therapy to reduce any pain during therapy.
  • Rotator cuff injury or tears are the MOST responsive condition treated with our regenerative medical therapies. The rich blood supply to the shoulder allows the full healing potential of the allograft and PRP therapy to repair damaged tissue.
  • Post therapy modalities and exercises continue the healing process while strengthening the muscles to avoid future injury.
  • Common problems that have been successfully treated include:
    • Partial rotator cuff muscle tear
    • Complete rotator cuff tear
    • Shoulder joint osteoarthritis and degeneration
    • Glenohumeral labrum tears
    • AC joint pain and arthritis
    • Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
    • Shoulder strain/sprain
    • Biceps tendonitis and tears
    • Rotator cuff tendonitis